Monday, April 27, 2009

Nintendo Guitar Hack

I’m not sure if this is cool or incredibly nerdy. Either way it definitely fits the Slap Shed profile. I found this Nintendo guitar hack on a site called NES Paul. The site shows how to take a mini Les Paul and an old NES and make a pretty sweet electric guitar.

NES Paul doesn’t go into a lot of detail about building the guitar, but is enough to give us the basic concept. A couple issues I think you may have with this guitar is artifact noise from the weak plastic frame of the Nintendo. I also think this guitar may have issues staying in tune. I think both these problems could be addressed by internally reinforcing the Nintendo frame and adding speaker foam.

Apply this principle to the bass, standing keyboard, and drums and you are ready to start the ultimate Devo tribute band.

I found a video of a SEGA being used the same way.

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